Rigg Bay and Galloway House Gardens, walk and picnic

Rigg Bay

On a beautiful day, pack a picnic, find Galloway House Gardens on the outskirts of Garlieston and pay a £3 donation in the honesty box, and meander through the botanical gardens. You'll find amazing trees of huge size and massive gunners, amidst unusual species including a 'handkerchief' tree which looks like it's covered in tissues (Blooms May/June).

In early spring the gardens burst into life with an abundance of activity from the first bulbs and blossoms to the chorus of birdsong

The carpet of snowdrops is spectacular — there are more than 20 varieties, which are followed by daffodils, bluebells and the extensive collection of species rhododendra and azaleas.

Beyond the gardens is a wonderful beach, Rigg Bay, and on a Summer's day like when we visited, you may feel like Robinson Crusoe.

See website here


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